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Scotch Tape - Most Gifted Wrappers

The Ask

Create a compelling holiday program that demonstrates Scotch Tape's expertise in gift wrapping, drives contest participation and increases sales during the holiday season.


The Answer

Utilize Santa's Elves, the greatest gift wrappers in the world, to highlight the benefits of the different Scotch Tapes and increase presence and awareness at retail.


The Results

Shopper program, with customizations for key retailers

7 animated videos

1 childrens' book

1 coloring book

Multi-year program



Reggie Award - National Consumer (under $3,000,000)

Animated Videos

Videos introduced each of the Scotch Elves and what made the tape they used the perfect tape for holiday gift wrapping.

Animated Videos

Videos introduced each of the Scotch Elves and what made the tape they used the perfect tape for holiday gift wrapping.


Additional Videos:







Childrens' Book

Childrens' book and coloring book could be downloaded online or available as a giveaway in-store.

Social Media

Social media drove awareness and participation.

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